

How to hide any file in a picture (.jpg, .gif, .png etc)

    You want to hide your private files in your computer without arousing anyones curiosity.


There are many software that have tools to password protect files and or folders Also, WINDOWS enables us to modify a files attributes by opening the property box (ALT + ENTER), there, we can set a files attributes to read-only or hidden.

As the Windows Explorer does not show hidden files by default, it will be invisible to everybody, you can then access your file(s) anytime through the adress box.

The above methods have many limitations:

-  They increase peoples curiosity (they would asks themselves: Why has he password protected this file/folder?).
- A hidden file is very easy to unhide (you just have to go to folder options and turn on hidden files view in explorer).
Read on to learn an untracable way to hide your private files in your computer without arousing anybody's curiosity. Below you will learn in few steps how to hide any other file in a picture file without changing the pictures appearance.


    NOTE: This trick applies to ALL file types, you can hide a picture in a pdf, a video  in a pdf, a .rar in an .exe and so on.... in fact you can hide any file in any other file, you can even hide a hidden file in another hidden file but the following steps are specific to hidding files in a picture.

    With some knowledge and much imagination you can acheive great things with DOS commands. In this tutorial we will use the very simple DOS commands (copy and ren) with the binary file switch (/b) and the concatenation operator (+). All those big words dont mean a big deal, the trick is very simple! (To learn more about the  /b switch  and +, type copy/? in the DOS command line).

For this tutorial you will need:
  1.   A picture file (.jpg,.png,.jpeg extensions etc) that will camouflage (hide)  your files. In this tutorial I use a .jpg but it works with any other image file extension.
  2. The file(s) you want to hide (executables,text,audio,video etc).
    NOTE: If you want to hide many files or audio,video or executable files(.exe,.bat, .reg,.vbs etc) files you MUST create a .zip or .rar archive and put them there if not they will become unreadable.

    As usual, I have provided a video tutorial on how on how to hide files in an image which you can download HERE or watch on youtube at this link or on streaming below

  1. Open command prompt (Start > Run then type cmd in the box or WINDOWS + R  then type cmd in the box)
  2. Type the following exactly without the quotes "copy /b (full  path to picture file) + (full path to archive file) (full path to destination file)" And you are done hiding your files in a picture. Double click it to open the picture and check it out.(notice it still displays normally like every ordinary image should) For example if you want to hide files contained in an archive called or files.rar found on your desktop in a picture called picture.jpg also found on your desktop to a file hiding picture called new.jpg, you should type this: copy /b c:\desktop\picture.jpg + c:\desktop\files.jpg c:\desktop\new.jpg.This will create the file new.jpg in which your files are hidden.
  3. To unhide your files, still in the command prompt type the following: ren outputfilename.jpg outputfilename.rar (or if you used .zip). You can now extract your files and then type ren outputfilename.rar outputfilename.jpg to hide them back.
  4.  OR TO MAKE THINGS EASIER: Simply rename the file by using the rename option on the files contextual men (right click on  file>   rename or select file and press F2)
Tired of doing  and redoing all this typing again and again? I have written a  program that does all this automatically, all you have to do is copy it to the folder containing your files, run it and follow the instructions.I have called it cameleon, you can download it FOR FREE HERE.         
Below are some screenshots of cameleon:    

Now that you know this trick you can extend its uses and applications to what you want, you can for example share private files with your close friends without fear etc The only limit to this tricks possibilities is your imagination.    

For any question, suggestion, remark, request or special query or to obtain FREE tutorials on more advanced cryptography techniques and algorithms or to receive the source code of the program, please leave a comment below with your request and email adress or
- email me at  
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